
When we say "cacao," we refer to the unprocessed cocoa bean commonly used to make chocolate. 

​​What is Cacao?

Artisan Ceremonial Cacao is made by taking the cacao beans, in their whole form, lightly toasting and peeling them, and grinding them into a paste. This preparation method maintains the fat content of cacao and a higher nutrition and flavanol profile.

Not to be confused with cocoa powder, which is the remains of the cacao bean after the fats have been extracted/burnt out through a roasting process and then ground into powder.


Internally, cacao has many health benefits.  It is a natural superfood with loads of magnesium, amino acids, and antioxidants! This plant provides us with so much natural magnesium to fill in all the gaps we have in our diet.  This nutrient benefits us in so many ways, one of which helps us to sleep. But the biggest benefits are energetic. Cacao opens your heart and mind allowing you to access deep parts of yourself. It accelerates healing, creativity, focus, and idea flow. 

The biggest benefits of cacao come from drinking it daily. It is a natural replacement for coffee, giving you sustained energy and a start to your day, without the jitters and crashes. 

Love is infused from its source

Cacao has the amazing ability to absorb the energy around it. That starts from the moment it is planted, all the way until it hits your lips. Why does our cacao feel so different than everyone else's? It's because we ensure the energetic practices - from seed to bean, to cup.


In a ceremony, we drink a hot cacao drink to connect your angels and guides and hold space for healing, insights, and transformation. 

Cacao is a gentle plant medicine. You will not hallucinate or receive any conscious-altering effects. Rather, you will feel your heart open, concentrated, and happy. Sometimes you even feel euphoric! 

Cacao allows you to focus for several hours at a time and enhances your creativity, so deep transformation can take place.

Cacao is such a gentle heart-opening medicine that really connects us to the spirit of the plant, allowing blocks to release and come back to our center. When we clear space, we are open for MORE... more of what we desire.

Rooted in Love

In its very nature cacao is full of love and abundance.  It is grounding as its roots spread far and wide.  It’s expansive as the limbs reach for the sun. 

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