What is a Cacao Ceremony?

We drink chocolate!

In Ceremony, we drink a hot cacao drink to open your heart space and hold space for healing, insights, and transformation.

Raw cacao assists us in whatever healing we want to experience.

Receive Healing and Insights.

Activate your energy to new levels of joy and abundance.

Through guided meditation and breathwork, combined with sound and plant therapy, you get to unwind and allow a new version of you to shine!

As you bring your Healing Intentions with you, I will walk along-side you as your guide, assisting you to shift into who and what you want next.

Cacao allows you to focus for several hours at a time and enhances your creativity, so deep transformation can take place

Each Healing is designed specifically for each group.

Cacao amplifies the experience!

What is Cacao?

Cacao are the seeds of the cacao tree used to make chocolate. To maintain the energetic properties and receive the most benefit from the cacao, we minimally process the seeds. We use paste, not powder.

As it is a natural superfood, Cacao also acts as a natural heart-opener. It assists in creativity, clear thinking, and idea flow.

Cacao is used to release barriers that are normally present, allowing more healing to be done in ceremony than on our own.

Cacao is gentle plant medicine. You will not hallucinate or receive any conscious-altering effects. Rather, you will feel your heart open, concentrated, and happy. Sometimes you even feel euphoric!

Sound Bath

Using sound is a beautiful and gentle way to shift stagnant energy held within us into a higher frequency within our bodies.

Sound has the ability to dissolve and break up any unwanted or stuck emotions we may be holding onto.

In this way, we get to listen and maybe feel the shifts and release within our bodies.

Plant Therapy

When we bring in the very essence each plant holds, we allow the energy to assist us in creating the transitions we wish to achieve.

Each plant has the ability to assist us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We use our intentions and connect with the plant to invite more healing to transpire.

Why I love cacao so much